Continúo el post de esta mañana sobre posibles preguntas. Esta mañana os contaba mi lista de preguntas para conocer mejor a las familias y ver si encajo con ellas, además de intentar asegurarme de limitar al máximo las sorpresas una vez llegada a EEUU.
Esta tarde me gustaría hablaros sobre las preguntas que pueden hacernos las familias en las entrevistas.
A saber:
Experience and interest in working with children
- Why have you chosen to become an aupair?
- What do you enjoy most about caring for children?
- Have you ever bathed or cooked meals for children?
- Can you tell us more about your experience caring for children ages <insert age of kids>?
- Have you ever cared for children for 45 hours a week, or 8 hours a day?
- How many children have you cared for alone at one time?
- Would you be comfortable staying home with kids all day?
- Are you a good student? Can you help the children with homework?
- What are your strongest childcare qualities?
Lifestyle and interests
- What are you doing right now, are you working or going to school?
- What type of family are you looking for?
- What do you want to do after you finish your year as an aupair?
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- How does he or she feel about you leaving for a year?
- Have you ever smoked cigarettes? If so, how often and when did you quit?
- Do you have any medical (health) problems?
- Do you like or have pets? (Ask about allergies)
- Have you ever lived away from home before?
- Have you ever been to the United States before?
- Can you tell me about your family?
- How do they feel about you coming to the United States for one year?
- What would you hope to do during your year in the USA?
Duties & Responsibilities
- How do you feel about waking up early to help us get the children off to school?
- What kinds of things would you cook for the children’s dinner?
- What do you think your day will be like with the children?
- What will you do with them?
- Are you a tidy and organized person?
- How often do you help clean up your home now?
- Are you flexible? If we run little late from work, do you mind?
- Would you want to participate in our family outings or vacations?
- We want our children to learn another language, would you mind speaking to them in your language?
- Our children have playmates coming over to our house regularly, would that bother you?
Childcare style/methodology
- How do you react when a child misbehaves, or does not do what you ask?
- How would you handle <bedtime, meal struggles, jealousy, crying, and a fussy baby>?
- How were you disciplined as a child?
- Do you have any first-aid training?
- Do you think you should treat younger and older children equally?
- How would you treat them differently?
Home life, diet, and culture/traditions
- Will you request any time off to observe certain religious days?
- Do you have any dietary restrictions? Is there any type of food you don’t eat?
- How would you approach us if you have any problems or issues during your stay?
- Would you rather be out with friends or at home on a typical weekday night, or typical weekend night?
- What do you think will be the biggest challenge in regards to living with a foreign family?
- Have you ever lived apart from your family and friends? If so, what was the hardest part for you?
- What kinds of classes would you like to take this year?
- How much time do you spend talking with friends and family on the phone?
- How much time do you spend on the internet/computer?
Driving ability
- Your application says you can drive, do you drive a lot?
- How long have you had a driver’s license?
- Do you have an international driver’s license?
- Do you have a car now, what kind is it?
- Have you ever driven an American automatic car ?
- Have you ever been in a car accident? (If yes, discuss it)
- Would you be comfortable driving kids in the car with you?
- What about in the snow?
Está claro, que para elaborar esta lista he buscado información en internet (esta lista en concreto es de un blog que me encanta, y que os dejo por aquí porque es súper completo, como sabéis, aunque ya estoy online, sigo esperando el correo de la primera familia interesada en mi perfil (llegará cuando tenga que llegar, aunque esta noche me he soñado con ello, os lo juro, de hecho me he conectado para comprobar que solo había sido un sueño, jajajaja).
Aún así, aunque espero
Leí por alguna parte, que una buena idea era usar post-it pegados a la pantalla del ordenador con ciertas cuestiones que no debes olvidar (porque estar mirando todo el tiempo un papel no queda muy bien, sin embargo los post-it pegados en la pantalla no se nota que los miras), en mi caso usaré esos post-it para:
- Anotar el nombre de los miembros de la familia (si lo dicen en el perfil, que supongo que si, vamos), así no me equivocaré ni me olvidaré, creo que a todo el mundo le gusta que te llamen por tu nombre.
- Escribir también los hobbies de los niños, para poder hablar con ellos sobre eso (en el caso de que estén presentes en la entrevista), o para poder hablarlo con los padres (de manera que noten que tengo interés por los niños, ya que va a ser con los que más voy a tratar).
- Poner todos esos adjetivos que os comentaba de descripción de la personalidad (casi seguro es una pregunta que harán en la primera entrevista y no quiero parecer retrasada cuando no tenga ni idea de que contestar, :))
- Y por último, escribiré palabras que siempre olvido como se dicen en inglés (para en el caso de tener que usarlas no quedarme en blanco).
Por ahora ese será mi método, supongo que cuando vaya hablando con las familias esté método irá mejorando, añadiendo y quitando ideas... Pero por ahora (como decía Sócrates), solo se que no se nada, pero aún sin saber quiero estar preparada (la última parte es de invención personal, jajajaja)
Espero que la próxima vez que escriba os pueda contar que ya ha entrado la primera familia.
Un beso y un abrazo, nos seguimos leyendo.
PD: Admito todas las sugerencias del mundo y más, para mejorar el método (así que mujeres y hombres del mundo au pair que y habéis pasado el proceso de las entrevistas, espero ansiosa vuestros consejos).
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